Is Direct or Indirect Lighting Best for Your Home?

home lighting

The lightbulb is a relatively recent invention, but in the decades since Thomas Edison made in-home bulbs practical, lighting has evolved quite a bit. You now have more options than ever before when it comes to home lighting solutions. One of the most important decisions you’ll have to make is whether to use direct or indirect lighting.

Which type of lighting is best for your home? There’s no one right answer; it will depend largely on your preferences and the specific setting. In many situations, you can use both lighting systems side-by-side. Here’s what you should take into consideration when choosing the best lighting options for your needs.

Direct vs. Indirect Home Lighting Explained

Indirect lighting refers to lighting that is spread around a larger area, usually by reflecting it off of a surface, such as a wall. You create indirect light using lampshades as well as curtains and blinds. Some light fixtures will also reflect and scatter light.

Direct light is light that goes straight from a light source to your eyes and everything else in the room. If you simply screw a lightbulb into a naked socket in the ceiling and turn it on, that’s an example of direct light.

When to Use Indirect Lighting

Many people find that indirect lighting is easier on the eyes and creates a more comforting and welcoming environment. Indirect lighting also results in less glare and fewer distracting reflections. This type of lighting is a great option in bedrooms, offices, living rooms, kitchens, and anywhere else people will spend a lot of time.

You may be wondering, should you just make all of your home lighting indirect since it is typically more comfortable? Actually, as we’ll explore below, direct lighting is still useful in many situations. Also, keep in mind that you may want to use relatively bright bulbs with indirect light. recommends 1,500-lumen bulbs for indirect ceiling lights, for example.

When to Use Direct Lighting

Direct home lighting is best when you need lots of light or want to focus light on a specific area. For example, if there’s a stairwell in your home, using direct light on the stairs could reduce the risk of someone tripping. Likewise, if you have a hobby workshop, direct light, whether delivered through fixtures or lamps, can make it easier to see your crafts.

Are you ready to upgrade your home with gorgeous new lighting? If so, contact Premier Lighting today to learn more about our products.

Posted 7/13/23