Category Archives: How To

A Living Room Lighting Guide

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The right lighting can turn your boring living room into a cozy hangout spot for the whole family. If you need help choosing the right light fixtures for your living room, check out this living room lighting guide.

Ambient Lighting

Ambient lighting is used to provide a gentle sort of background to the lighting in your living room. If you mostly use your living room for watching TV and hanging out with family and friends, this is the lighting you want to focus on for your living room. In addition to ambient light fixtures, ambient lighting can also come from natural light sources such as windows.

Task Lighting

Task lighting is great if you like spending your time reading or working in the living room. Task lighting includes things like table lamps, adjustable floor lamps, and wall lights. The best task lighting is easy to adjust, which allows you to use these light fixtures for several purposes.

Accent Lighting

Accent lighting is all about accenting particular parts of a room and creating a general mood or feeling. You can use accent lighting to focus on the part of your living room where you and your guests sit. A simple chandelier or overhead light fixture can be a great way to accent your living room.

Choose Dimmable Lighting

When you’re shopping for light fixtures for your living room, consider dimmable lighting. Dimmable lights can help create a mood, plus you can save money by using dimmer lights. According to ___, the average United States household spends a combined $1,945 on lighting, electronics, appliances, heating, and cooling each year, so saving money is crucial.

Optimize Your Layout

Lighting can only do so much to create a mood and focal point in your living room. Try playing around with the layout of the furniture in your living room and moving some lights around to find a look that suits the space. Every living room is a little different when it comes to lighting.

If you want to transform your living room, lighting is one of the best ways to do it. With the right lighting, you can change the entire mood and focal point of your living room. If you need help finding the best light fixtures for your living room, check out our online selection at Premier Lighting.

Tips for Better Bathroom Lighting

A bathroom is a place where people spend a lot of their time. And yet, so many bathrooms are poorly lit. This can be problematic for various reasons. For example, it’s difficult to see your appearance in the mirror when the lighting is poor, making it hard to apply makeup or shave properly. It can also be hard to find items in cluttered cabinets or drawers when you’re trying to get ready for the day. Here are a few tips for better bathroom lighting.

1. Light Your Entrance

First things first: You need to ensure you have a light outside the bathroom to illuminate your entrance. In most modern bathrooms, you can install a light switch at the door. That way, when you enter the room from the outside, it’s easy to flip on the lights and see immediately where you are going. This is especially important for those with children. Also, be aware that a recessed light should have at least 6 inches of clearance above the ceiling, and that insulation is required to ensure that condensation does not drip into the fixture, according to

2. Add a Light to the Sink Area

The bathroom sink is an important area of the room. You need to ensure that you have sufficient lighting here to see your face while washing it, shaving/applying makeup, or putting on lotion. If you have a mirror at the sink, you should also consider adding lighting in front of it. That way, you can easily see yourself when you’re performing these tasks.

3. Add Under-Cabinet Lighting

Another great way to illuminate your bathroom is through under-cabinet lighting. These lights are usually low voltage, so they don’t use much power and have safe wiring. You can install them beneath your bathroom cabinets or even in the drawers if you want. They provide soft, indirect light that makes it easier to find items when preparing for the day.

4. Install Vanity Lights

When installing overhead lights in your bathroom, you may want to add a “vanity” light directly above the mirror. This provides even more illumination and makes it easier for people to see what they are doing while applying makeup, styling hair, or shaving. Hang this fixture on a dimmer switch for added flexibility.

5. Consider LED Strip Lighting

If the lights in your bathroom are halogen or incandescent, consider replacing them with LED strip lighting. This indoor lighting fixture is more energy-efficient and provides bright light that is easy on the eyes. LED strips can be installed under cabinets or behind mirrors for an added glow.

6. Enhance Natural Lighting

The ultimate way to improve indoor lighting in your bathroom is by making the most of natural light. For example, install shades or blinds that you can open and close as needed if you have a window in your bathroom. This will allow the sun’s rays to illuminate the room and make it feel brighter. It also reduces energy consumption while increasing productivity.


Indoor lighting can make a big difference in the bathroom. If you install the right indoor lighting fixture, you’ll have a beautiful room that’s easier to navigate and more enjoyable to use. Are you looking for a particular indoor lighting fixture? Call us today. We can help you find anything from bathroom vanity lighting to LED strip lights.

How to Properly Light Small Spaces

In a time when space is at a premium, and we’re all looking for ways to make the most of our homes, it can be easy to overlook one thing: lighting. Some people think they need bright lights to make their living spaces look larger. But in reality, all you need is a well-designed lighting plan. Here are some tips on properly lighting small spaces and getting the right indoor light fixture.

1. Use Recessed Lighting

If you’re looking for the best way to properly light small spaces, look no further than recessed lights. This type of lighting provides strong illumination without taking up any floor or wall space. It’s a much better option than hanging lamps or overhead fixtures, which can take up a lot of space and leave large shadows on the wall.

2. Make Use of Pendants

Pendant lights are also an excellent way to light small spaces properly. These lights come in many different styles, from modern pendants with an industrial look to traditional pendants that offer a softer, cozier glow. Use them over kitchen islands and the ends of counters, use one as your dining room light, or install them above the couch in your living room.

3. Bring Light in From the Outside

If you’re looking for the simplest way to properly light small spaces, just bring in light from outside. The right amount of natural lighting can make all the difference in making a space feel open and airy, rather than cramped and closed-off. This is why so many modern spaces include walls of windows or skylights.

4. Consider Dimmers for Overhead Lights

Even if you’re not looking to use pendants or recessed lighting, it can still be helpful to use dimmers on your overhead lamps. This will allow you to control the amount of light hitting the walls and creating shadows throughout the room. It’s also a great way to create the perfect ambiance for any occasion, whether you’re hosting a party, watching TV with your family, or even just getting ready for bed.

5. Plan Well-Lit Paths

Along with lighting that makes it easy to see what you’re doing in each room of the house, it can be helpful to also plan for well-lit paths. If you’re moving through the house, make sure that there are lights along your route. This can be as simple as putting a couple of lights near the door and along your hallway.

Get the Right Indoor Light Fixture

Properly lighting small spaces is all about using the right kind of light for each room. If you’re looking for indoor lighting fixtures, start with recessed lights, which provide strong illumination without taking up any floor or wall space. But remember, according to, the brightness level of a bathroom’s ambient lighting should be 4,000-8,000 lumens, with mirror-mounted task lights of at least 1,700 lm. If you’re looking for any indoor light fixture, call us for the best deals.

7 Ways to Improve Indoor Lighting

The indoor lighting you use at home can have a major impact on how your indoor space feels. Lighting is one of the most underrated design features. Surprisingly, many homeowners don’t think about this when designing their homes from scratch or remodeling their current living spaces. If you want to create a relaxing environment in your home with plenty of ambiance, then these tips will help:

1. Natural Lighting

Natural light is the most effective indoor lighting you can implement. Of course, this isn’t always an option for indoor spaces, but if you live in a home with plenty of windows and skylights, it makes sense to take full advantage of this natural resource.

If your home has indoor rooms that don’t have any natural light access, consider investing in artificial indoor lighting with bulbs that mimic the appearance of bright daylight. Also, consider using indoor lights with amazing features, such as automatic features that adjust based on time of day or motion sensors that turn off when no one is around.

2. Ambience Lighting

Ambient indoor light can help set a mood and provide plenty of task lighting for areas that require it. Using indoor lighting fixtures designed to be used in combination with other indoor lights or independently can create an interesting chandelier effect that looks great, especially when you use bulbs that produce soft colored light.

3. Accent Lighting

Accent indoor light should be used mostly within the home to make certain things pop, like artwork on a wall or furniture pieces like coffee tables and entertainment centers. When you have places where you want to draw attention, such as artwork or photos, accent lighting can help.

4. Task Lighting

Task indoor light is important in nearly every indoor space because it helps illuminate work surfaces. If you have indoor areas where people spend time reading or working on projects, indoor lighting can make these activities much easier to accomplish. You should also consider task lights for areas like the kitchen and bathroom.

5. Use LED-Based Indoor Lighting Options

LEDs are one of today’s most popular light bulbs because they offer plenty of benefits compared to indoor lighting solutions that use other light bulb technologies. They are energy efficient, and the Department of Energy believes LED lighting can help reduce energy consumption by nearly 50%.

Of course, if you like a decorative indoor light fixture, then go for it, but if you want quality light that isn’t overly burdensome on the energy bill, then going with LED lights will always be the best choice.

6. Lighting Control

The indoor lighting in your home should be easy to control. A dimmer is a great option for lamps and overhead lights because it provides more flexibility in the level of brightness you want inside your spaces.

You can also invest in lighting controls that allow you to turn on/off or dim specific lights from any location within your home. This can be done using a smartphone or tablet device, creating an easy-to-use environment for you and your family members.

7. Color Temperature of Indoor Lights

Color temperature is also an important factor to consider when you are designing indoor lighting for your home. The color temperature of the light emitted should match the color scheme of your rooms and walls because if they don’t, then the colors may clash with one another, creating an uncomfortable living space.

So, color temperature and room decor should complement each other to create the perfect space for you and your family.

Indoor Lighting That Adds Value

If you want indoor lighting that adds value to your home, then consider using LED lights. Consider adding recessed ceiling lights if you want a stylish look with plenty of brightness. Pendant lights can be the perfect light fixtures for dining rooms or kitchens, while chandeliers are ideal for living rooms or bedrooms. For more information on indoor or outdoor lighting fixtures, contact Premier Lighting today.

9 Simple Ways to Save Energy on Lighting

Lighting can account for a considerable percentage of your energy bill. The Department of Energy estimates that the average American household spends 5-10% of its budget solely on lighting. That’s quite a significant amount. Do you want to visit lighting stores less and reduce your lighting costs without ruining your home’s atmosphere? Here are some valuable tips that can help you save on lighting:

Turn Off Lights

The first tip sounds like a no-brainer, but it’s one of the easiest ways you can cut down on your lighting costs. If you aren’t using the lights in a room, make sure you turn them off. Additionally, ensure everyone in your home does the same.

Install Dimmers

Dimmers can reduce the energy bulbs consume. When you buy bulbs at lighting stores, ensure they work with a dimmer.

Don’t Over-light Rooms

Over-lighting a room can contribute to high utility costs. What’s more, it can create discomfort for the people occupying the space. When picking interior lighting for a room, think about the purpose of the room and the mood you would like to create. While some rooms, such as the kitchen, may require plenty of indoor lighting, others, like the bedroom, may require less.

Install Switches Near Entry and Exit Points

No matter how many times you remind them, some people will still constantly forget to turn off the lights. You can help them by placing switches near entry and exit points. Placing switches in these locations will help them remember to switch off the lights when leaving the room.

Keep Lights and Light Fixtures Spotless

Over time, bulbs and lamps gather dust. Dust can reduce bulb efficiency and obstruct the passage of light. To get the most out of your lights, clean them regularly to enhance their efficiency.

Avoid Numerous Fittings

While installing multiple low-wattage bulbs instead of one incandescent bulb may sound like a good idea, ditch it. Often, the more lights you have, the more energy you’ll consume.

Install Timers and Sensors

Timers can ensure your lights operate on a schedule and only stay on when you need them. Motion detectors, on the other hand, are handy for outdoor lighting. They can ensure your outdoor lights only go on when motion is detected.

Use Natural Lighting

On dreary days, you may want to turn on the lights but don’t. Open your blinds and clean your windows to let natural light into your home. Like turning off the lights when they aren’t in use, it’s a simple way to save on your energy costs.

Switch to LED Lights

If you are still using traditional incandescent bulbs, consider switching to LED bulbs. LED bulbs can significantly reduce your energy costs since they use up to 75% less energy. What’s more, you won’t have to visit lighting stores often to replace blown-out bulbs since they last up to 25 times longer than traditional bulbs. Sure, their initial cost is high, but they are cheaper in the long term. However, when buying them at lighting stores, look out for LED bulbs with the Energy Star label.

Get Energy Efficient Lighting

Lighting doesn’t have to account for a large percentage of your energy costs. If you have noticed a spike in your energy costs and suspect lighting may be the culprit, try out the tips above. And if you are considering investing in energy-efficient lighting for your home, visit Premier Lighting for all your home lighting needs.

How to Light Your Home’s Interior Like an Expert

In 2019, revenue in the lamps and lighting segment amounted to $43,673 million. The market was expected to grow annually by 1.1%, and it has continued to do so steadily. Many people are heading to lighting stores to invest in lighting for their homes.

Are you thinking of investing in interior lighting for your home? Great home lighting can reduce eye strain, prevent accidents from falls, create a vibrant atmosphere within your home, and much more. While properly lighting your home sounds fairly straightforward, there are a couple of things you should do to light your home like a pro. Want to avoid amateur lighting mistakes? Before you visit a lighting store like Premier Lighting, keep reading to learn tips on designing your home’s interior lighting like an expert.

1. Set a Budget

While determining a budget seems like a no-brainer, many people skip this crucial step. Whether you’re carrying out simple renovations or doing away with your home lighting, establish a budget. Before you head to the lighting store, list the lights and light fixtures you intend to purchase and identify the areas in your home you will want to light to avoid going beyond your budget. And if your budget goes beyond your estimate, do not be discouraged. You can still get excellent lighting results on a lean budget.

2. Choose a Theme

You may visit a lighting store and buy excellent interior lights. But, if they do not complement other items in your home, like the color scheme, you will be disappointed with the results. Therefore, before you splurge money on lights and regret your decision, think about how the light will complement other things in your home. Also, pay attention to your style.

3. Think About Functionality

At its core, lighting is functional. Its main role is to provide illumination. Thus, before you settle on lights, you need to identify the purpose of the space where the lights will be placed. For example, for study rooms, you should opt for indoor lights that almost mimic the appearance of natural daylight to prevent eye strain.

4. Consider Style Lighting

Once functional lighting is in order, the fun and games can begin by adding style lights. Style lighting can elevate the rooms in your home and take them from dull to vibrant in an instant. Style lights include things such as pendant lights, floor lamps, and chandeliers.

5. Stay Up to Date

As technology continues to evolve, lights have continued to get better. If you want to keep up with the times, you should pay attention to lighting trends. For instance, today, many households are replacing traditional incandescent light bulbs with modern LED lighting. Why? LED lighting can cut down on energy costs; LED lights need to be replaced less often, and they offer several other benefits. Therefore, before you visit the lighting store and purchase outdated lights stay abreast of lighting trends.

Only Buy Your Lighting Fixtures from the Best

Want your home lighting to look like it was done by a professional? Try out the tips above for great results. And if you are looking for interior lights for your home, contact Premier Lighting for all your home lighting needs. We offer quality products and you can always count on us to deliver the best fixtures.

How to Choose the Right Lighting Store for You

lighting stores

If you want to get new lighting for your home, there are a lot of factors to consider. You have to think about the right type of light fixtures, the brightness of the lights, balancing interior lighting, and many other things. But with all of those factors, it’s also important that you choose a good lighting store to fit your needs.

There are a lot of lighting stores out there, so there can be a lot of options to choose from. Here are some of the best ways to choose the right store to help you.


One of the most important things to consider when choosing from the available lighting stores is installation. Will they provide installation, or will you have to do it yourself?

This is an especially important question for people who aren’t good with wiring, and might not know how to install the lights themselves. If you can find a store that will do the installation for you, then you don’t have to worry about hiring other services.

Type of lights

Another important factor in choosing from lighting stores is the type of lights that you want. Nowadays, many people are choosing LED lights, and you might want to go down that route.

Residential LED products are actually expected to last up to 25 times longer and use at least 75% less energy than traditional incandescent lighting. Additionally, the widespread use of LED lighting could potentially reduce U.S. energy usage by as much as 50%, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

So, if you want to choose LED products for your home lighting, then it is important to find a store that carries those products. Many lighting stores do, but some have better options than others. It’s important to think about all of your options.


Finally, you want to think about convenience. You don’t want to find yourself driving over an hour just to go to a lighting store. Finding a store close to you can help you get your lighting needs fulfilled easier.

Of course, you have to balance this convenience with quality. Some lighting stores may be close, but won’t have the products you want. Sometimes, it is worth driving a long way to get what you really need. It’s all up to your preferences and needs.

These are just a few of the factors in choosing a good store for you. You should take a look at all the lighting stores in your area, and then decide which one would be best to fit your needs. Premier Lighting has stores in Tucson and Scottsdale that can fit all of your lighting needs. We also have a large selection of high-quality products online. Give us a call when you want to transform your home’s lighting today!

3 Ideas for Reducing Electrical Consumption of Lighting

outdoor lighting

According to the U.S. government, as much as 15% of your energy consumption goes to lighting. This number includes interior lighting and outdoor lighting.

When looking to reduce your energy bill, you should consider every possible source of conservation. A savings of just 10% could add up to hundreds of dollars every year.

One possible source of energy conservation is your lighting. Here are three ways to lower your lighting’s energy consumption.

Replace Your Light Fixtures

You have probably seen the term “Energy Star” on appliances. This certification program is administered through a partnership between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and manufacturers. Energy Star identifies equipment that meets strict environmental standards for energy efficiency.

Some energy gains are realized by merely replacing incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs. In fact, residential LED bulbs use at least 75% less energy and last up to 25 times longer than the traditional incandescent lamps.

However, to gain the full benefits of LED and CF bulbs, you can replace outdoor lighting fixtures and indoor lighting fixtures with Energy Star compliant fixtures. These fixtures are designed to reduce heat losses while providing the same amount of light as older incandescent light fixtures.

Moreover, one of the major criticisms of LED bulbs is that they are usually incompatible with traditional dimmer switches. Modern Energy Star fixtures are usually capable of dimming LED bulbs, removing one of the primary objections to switching bulbs.

Install Automatic Shutoff Switches

As much as 30% of the light produced by outdoor lighting is wasted. This is because most outdoor lights in the U.S. run all night and stay on all day. Some ways to reduce the waste arising from outdoor lights include:

  • Daylight sensors: Light-activated switches ensure that your lights turn off when the sun rises.
  • Motion sensors: If you only use exterior lighting for guests and to scare away intruders, motion sensors can turn lights on when they are needed and turn them off when they are not needed.
  • Timers: Timers can be used to turn off outdoor lights at a pre-programmed time to reduce energy use. They can also darken your home’s exterior to accommodate your sleep.

Use Dark Sky Compliant Lighting

Dark sky standards are intended to reduce light pollution in large and medium-sized cities. Fortunately, dark sky standards can also help reduce energy consumption.

Dark sky compliant lights use shielding to direct light to where it is needed. This reduces light leakage that causes light pollution. It also allows you to light an area more efficiently since lights are focused rather than diffused.

Moreover, dark sky standards encourage the use of automatic dimmers to control outdoor lighting. The theory is that lights are most necessary at dusk and dawn when you are arriving or leaving your home. However, during the night, lights are less necessary.

Even if you prefer to have some light for security or safety purposes during the night, an automatic dimmer can reduce the light intensity. This reduces both light pollution and energy consumption. However, anyone outside might not notice since the eyes adjust to the darkness.

Reducing energy consumption is good for your wallet and good for the environment. By replacing your lighting fixtures, installing lighting controls, and using dark sky compliant lighting, you will reduce your carbon footprint and your electric bill.

Contact us or visit to learn more about energy-efficient outdoor lighting. We are the lighting stores Scottsdale and Tucson trust for all their lighting needs.

How LED Indoor Lighting Benefits Homeowners

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The average American home spends between 5-10% of its entire budget on lighting costs, according to the Department of Energy. To help mitigate costs without sacrificing illumination, LED light fixtures are more frequently being installed as indoor lighting solutions. This is due in large part to three significant key factors.

1. Energy Efficiency and Cost

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a more energy-efficient lighting solution. LED lights not only consume less energy than traditional bulbs, but they also last much longer on average. Many LED lights have a lifespan of up to 50,000 hours. This means that if you use your light for an average of 12 hours every day, you can expect to have to change it in roughly 11 years. In this way, LED lights aren’t just saving you money on monthly energy bills, but they will cut down on the amount you’ll have to spend on bulbs to almost nothing. Lighting stores often have many LED options available, meaning you won’t be regulated to one specific style.

2. White Light

As opposed to other types of lighting, LED indoor lighting is much better at mimicking the look of natural light. This allows you to highlight areas in your home better and better put on make-up in the morning without worrying about what you’ll look like when you step outside. Lighting can make a huge difference in the way our eyes perceive colors! Furthermore, the light they produce also means you won’t have to wait for your eyes to adjust when stepping outside on a sunny day. When browsing lighting stores for the best options, you can also look for options with dimmers to ensure you have optimal control over how much light you get in a room at any time.

3. Flexible Designs

Another thing that makes LED lights perfect as home lighting solutions is their plethora of flexible design options. From chic ceiling fixtures to modern wall sconce lights, there is a design to fit any style. LED lights are also great options for mood lighting and vanity lighting, as you can arrange them in ways that you can’t traditional fixtures. If you have a specific design scheme in mind speak with different lighting stores to see what options they can offer.

LED lights are as eco-friendly as they come and they can save you hundreds in energy costs each and every year. Furthermore, they are recyclable and don’t contain any toxic substances that could be harmful if broken. If you are looking to update the lighting in your home, consider looking at lighting stores near you for energy-star rated LED options. Once you experience the difference, you’ll never want to go back to traditional lighting. For all your lighting fixtures, Contact Premier Lighting.

5 Home Lighting Shopping Tips

To buy lighting fixtures, you’ll need to consider several factors. If you’re shopping for pendant lighting, for instance, here are a few tips to help you pick the best options possible.

Start with the Material and Finish

Glass and metal, along with cloth and plastic are the most common materials for pendant lighting. If you’re looking for options that you plan to put in your kitchen or bathroom, though, consider glass since the material diffuses light effectively. Lighting made of cloth, though, will suit your living room since the material collects dust easily.

Think About the Size

For a bit of drama, though, try putting a big pendant in your entryway. That’s one way to grab the attention of your guests. You can also set it as a focal point over your dining tables. If you’re thinking about installing track lighting, switch to mini globes. They offer bright illumination that’s less intense, so they’re an ideal option for task lighting in your kitchen counter. Keep them above eye level, though, to prevent annoying glare.

Consider Your Options

When it comes to pendant lighting, decide if you want to go with ambient or task lighting. Your decision will influence your buying options. For instance, if you’re looking for ambient lighting, you need to look for lamps that stream light upwards. For task lighting, you’ll need to focus your search on home lighting fixtures with open bottoms, so they stream the light downward.

Upgrade to LED

More and more homeowners are choosing LED bulbs versus traditional ones. That’s because they tend to last longer, allowing you to save on replacement costs for a long time. With the popularity of LED lighting technology, more and more affordable options are coming up on the market, too, making this an easy choice for you.

Calculate the Height

One factor you shouldn’t forget when you shop for lights is how high you’ll put it up. If you’re putting it in your entryway, then your pendant lighting should be about seven feet above the floor. If you’re putting it in the dining area, though, the ideal height is at least 30 inches above the table. You should also consider the height of the tallest person in your home, so your loved ones won’t need to keep ducking under the light.

Start shopping for worthwhile options. Check out Premier Lighting for superior home lighting fixtures in Tucson, AZ.