Parents may not get the chance to have that many nurseries in their life, so they often take the opportunity to decorate to their heart’s desire. Here are nursery lighting tips regarding design, functionality, and creativity.
The most important factor to remember about nursery lighting is that it should keep in mind newborns’ underdeveloped eyes. One example of a soft lighting feature is a chandelier. Chandeliers look lovely in nurseries because they’re reminiscent of baby mobiles.
Hanging lanterns are useful when you may only need a little bit of light, but not enough to wake the baby. They also provide parents with control. Rather than having to turn on one overly bright ceiling fixture to change a diaper, parents can turn on a lantern above the changing table.
Dimmers give you the same control lanterns do and may help your baby develop a bedtime routine. They can be used to help your baby wind down and sleep.
Sensors may or may not be a good idea, depending on the parents’ needs. If a parent would like lights to turn on every time he enters a nursery, sensors are great. If a parent often finds herself sneaking into her baby’s nursery, then she should probably give sensors a pass.
Ceiling Stars
Remember those ceiling-star stickers you had as a kid? Well, now you can buy ceiling-star projectors that light up your baby’s entire ceiling at a fraction of the work. Keep in mind: your baby may either find this soothing or distracting.
Christmas Lights
Christmas lights are probably the most fun way to decorate your nursery because they offer so many different options. Some parents tuck them away behind transparent curtains, creating a soft glow. Many choose to string them along the walls, corner to corner. If you’re more artistic, you can incorporate Christmas lighting into design elements on your wall.
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