Light remains an essential part of our lives. However, we haven’t always had the cool light fixtures or electricity we take for granted today. Read on to learn about the fascinating history of these marvels.
Long before the invention of the light bulb, we used oil lamps and candles to light our way at night. These were functional enough to help light the surrounding area but needed to be improved in functionality. Now, we use lightbulbs for the same dim glow.
Experimenting With Electricity
It didn’t take long for people to begin experimenting with electricity. We all learned that Benjamin Franklin supposedly discovered electricity with a kite and a key. However, the Ancient Greeks began experimenting with electricity about 2,000 years before Franklin, according to Forbes. Other technological advances, such as metalworking, paved the way for gorgeous light fixtures.
The Use of Gas Lighting
As experiments with electricity continued, many people went from candles and torches to gas lighting. Gas lamps and lights became increasingly popular but were expensive to purchase and maintain. Because of that, these were often considered a luxury at the time. Most of the fixtures used were ornamental.
The Use of Electric Lighting
Thomas Edison helped bring us the lightbulb after gas lighting. It safely provided light, and people could enjoy “daytime” for longer. It didn’t take long for electric lightbulbs to become standard everywhere. In the beginning, most people weren’t worried about decorative fixtures.
Art Inspiration
During the beginning of the 20th century, more people began to release their creative spark. Houses became decorated with more than just the necessities. Decorative light fixtures started to become the norm, with people investing in gorgeous pieces that matched their style. This inspiration has continued.
Decorative Fixtures
Now, the world of these fixtures continues to encompass various institutions to ensure everyone can find something they need. It doesn’t matter whether you’re searching for an ornamental metal fixture for the outside or a sconce to provide dim lighting inside, you can easily find it. Now, fixtures are more affordable than ever before.
At Premier Lighting, we offer various beautiful light fixtures, ensuring you can find exactly what you need. Our experienced and knowledgeable team will happily help you find the perfect one for your home. Contact us for more information today.
Posted: 10/17/23